ENTER... BRADLEY COOPER! I'd tickle him to death... ;)

Bradley Cooper (actor) has his waist/side tickled in the movie "New York, I Love You" and laughs like crazy, doubled over!
(Check the photos above! I have a collage of stills!) Zach Galifianakis, Bradley's co-star in "The Hangover", proved the authenticity of Bradley's ticklishness by tickling him on a couple of occasions, to the same hilarious results. On Bradley Cooper Source's forum, there was a link to a youtube video of "The Hangover"'s premiere, where Zach and Bradley are posing for a photo, when Zach digs his fingers in Bradley's waist, making him laugh and squirm away. The discussion on the forum: "Ow that's so cute! Bradley's ticklish! I wanna tickle him too! :P" "Zach's such a tease! Didn't he tickle him during the press conference as well?" "haha My husband's very ticklish too! I wanna tickle Bradley!" "yes he did!
(in reply to the press conference question) Can somebody find a pic?"
(The youtube video's gone due to "terms of use violation")

Yanny Tokyo (model) was questioned on his ticklishness in an online interview:
Do you have ticklish feet? EXTREMELY. I hate my feet being touched! I go mad and start throwing punches…
Ah, so we've found your weak spot. How about a foot rub? No, no, no! Anyone touching my feet makes me cringe. I hate it so much.
So you'd be a bit shit if someone was tickling you for information. How quickly would you give in? Never! It'd never get that far. I'd just give in.

Marco Pedretti (Pedro) (vocalist of Italian band Finley) declared in a TV interview that he's EXTREMELY ticklish in the back of his knee!!!

Matt Bomer (actor, Neal Caffrey on "White Collar") admits he's ticklish in a Soap Opera Digest Q&A session
What makes you laugh?A good sense of humor and tickling my feet! I'm very ticklish!

Michael Duff (singer) was asked if and where he is ticklish on his official myspace page and, after a long while, replied:
I can say that I am not very ticklish. I had 2 older sisters and made it a point of survival to learn not to be. It drives my wife and daughter crazy since they're both VERY ticklish.

Rhaen Boyer (singer/musician/producer) was asked if and where he is ticklish on his official myspace page. he responded:
... and yes, my "Mind" is ticklish ;-)

Hugues (model) was asked on his official myspace page if and where he is ticklish. He replied:
Many thanks on the compliments. I appreciate them. I am very ticklish everywhere.
Mark Rose (singer) replied to a message on his myspace page, talking about his ticklishness:
Am I ticklish? Aren't we all? At least a little bit?
(Tickling from the live-action version of "Nodame Cantabile")
An Arsenal player gets tickled by teammates! :)

Alex Britti (Italian Singer) was asked if he is ticklish in an online interview:
Soffri il solletico? Se si.....dove? Ciao!!
...non posso dirtelo, il nemico e sempre in agguato!
http://www. rockol. it/musicaitaliana. com/interviste/alexbritti. html
Are u ticklish, if so,where?
Alex: ...I can't tell you,the enemy is always in ambush!"

Emanuel Ginobili (Basketball player) was asked if and where he is ticklish on the radio and he said:
"Yes, but i can't say where.It's a secret."

Diego Cavaco (Argentinian Basketball player) was asked if he is ticklish and if he is, where, in an interview. He said: "Everywhere!" He also added that when he´s tickled on his feet,his toes move like crazy.

Succo Marcio (Italian band) were asked if and where they are ticklish in an on-line chat:
Ciao belli! volevo sapere se soffrite il solletico, e se si dove?! Uno x uno eh?! grazie!! ciao! Stella.
Il solletico ci fa morire... A Mario sui fianchi e a Campoli sulla pancia!
http://www. rockol. it/musicaitaliana. com/interviste/succomarcio. html
Q: Hi! I would know if you're ticklish? and if so where?
A: Tickling makes us death!... Mario on his sides and Campoli on his belly!
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