Friday, January 1, 2010



David Bisbal (singer) gets tickled in the video below (f/m) Tickling starts at around 1:17 and goes on, with breaks, for almost a minute. (continues at around 1:40) watch?v=SMXFV0RQKdA
(remove the space...)

David Gallagher (actor) is extremely ticklish! There are 2 childhood photos of him getting tickled and laughing uncontrollably and a couple of videos as well. (I'd refrain from posting them, as I do not approve children materials on sites, such as this one)
Another photo of James Marsters (see letter 'J') being tickled!

Hadley Fraser (actor, he played in an episode of "Doctor Who" as Gareth, and is now in the kids show "The Fresh Beat Band" as Reed) was e-mailed and asked where he was ticklish, and he put:

The soles of the feet-DEFINITELY!

Jason Ritter (actor) is reported to be very ticklish. Apparently, his father - John Ritter - has tickled him on more than one occasion in public, getting some great (and very ticklish) reactions from him!

Craig Horner (actor) getting tickled on the ribs by co-star Bridget Regen during a photoshoot (above) He's obviously VERY ticklish (and cute)!

Charlie Bewley (actor, Twilight: New Moon) is reported being ticklish on a ew occasions:

"I really love him in the Q & A when he got attacked and tickled and when he got his straw out to throw a spit ball lol."

(scroll down, he's on a pic with two girls)

"Tweet-a-thon @alchemission

Charlie Bewley - Demetri from the Volturi had a Q&A on Twitter yesterday night ...

He likes to be tickled."

"Can i tickle you at ET3?
@_talie if you dare"

From an interview with Tinsel Korey, from twilight:New Moon

story about being on the film.

Q:How is it when you guys get back together, I know you're close, so how is it when you guys get back together for conventions? Is it kinda the same or different?

A: No, it's exactly the same. I actually love the conventions, like the ones in Australia... the best thing about it was, first of all, getting to meet the Volturi team. We are just pranksters, so Chaske and I got to meet the Volturi guys, and then it was just like non-stop pranks. The one time Charlie [Bewley] was on stage and while he was doing an interview, Chris Heyerdahl comes between the curtains and started tickling him.

Bryan McFadden (singer, ex-Westlife) was asked if he is ticklish in a Q&A session, and admitted:
Bryan McFadden (singer, ex-Westlife) was asked in a Q&A is he is ticklish, and where:

Bist du kitzelig? Wenn ja, wo? (Sei vorsichtig mit deiner Antwort!)
Ja, aber ich erzahl euch nicht wo!

Are you ticklish? If so, where? (Careful now, ladies!)
Yes, but I won't tell you where!

Josh Smith (Atlanta Hawks player)

Tickled during a photo shoot by two teammates.

Denis Leary (actor) and Jon Stewart (host) are apparently ticklish, according to this little article:

Denis Leary and Jon Stewart. Old buddies since their stand-up days, Leary's occasional visits to The Daily Show shed light on their youthful, drunken escapades. And the fact they don't believe in each other's personal space. During one interview, they switched seats and mocked each other, including their usual post-interview clutching, grabbing, and/or tickling of each other.

And here's a recent fan report on Denis Leary's ticklishness:

So I've spent the last couple days watching both parts of the fifth season of Rescue Me on dvd. I finished yesterday and on a lark watched the special features which included a gag real. In this here gag real, there's about a minute of it in which its an outtake of Denis Leary's character, Tommy Gavin, and Lou, played by someone I don't remember his name, fighting, in which Denis Leary keeps telling the other actor that he better not tickle him. "If you tickle me this scene is gonna take 45 minutes," was one of the things said by the good Mr. Leary.

Joshua Jackson (actor) was reported being very ticklish, after he got tickled by 'Fringe' co-star John Noble at a Convention.

Matt Locke (Former Design Star contestant) is ticklish. He admitted to it in an online interview this week. I just came across it and I can't remember where it is exactly. He response was something along the lines of, "I am very ticklish, but I won't say where!"

Mychaela - Hey Matt! I loved you on Design Star! You are so cool! Are you ticklish, and if so, where?
A: Matt Locke
- Thank you! I sure loved being on the show. And yes, I'm very ticklish, but there is no way I'll tell you where!! :)

"Boy" Pakorn Chaatroprirak (TV celebrity) was asked if he is ticklish in an online article:

What part of your body are you ticklish or over whelmed with joy is? My hips and my chest. Don't ever tickle or touch me there!

Benjamin Grubin (Singer of the band Hockey) admits he's ticklish in an interview:

Any minor squabbles?

None really. Tony [Stassi] tries goofy stuff like strangling me, ’cos I hate it when people grab my neck. I’m really ticklish I guess.

(Ben is the guy in the front!)

Edge/Adam Copeland (WWF wrestler) is ticklish! Here's a fan report about him:

I had a first hand experience with tickling a pro wrestler. I was at a resent WWF pay per view event when I got an opportunity to give a friendly little poke to one of the wrestlers who as it turned out was extremely ticklish. Edge who usually makes his entrance through the crowd was waiting his cue to make his way down the isle where I was seated. When it got close to time he came out and sat on the railing next to my seat. Shirtless I might add. The temptation was too strong. I gave him a little poke on his side at the base of his ribs. He quickly jerked away and nearly fell off the rail. He looked over at me and just smiled.

His girlfriend, Lita, also tickled him on TV once. He was lying in her lap, with no shirt and with an arm beneath his head, and she tickled his exposed armpit, getting him to laugh, squirm and plea: "Stop it, stop it, stop it!"
Small photo of Nick Carter of Backstreet Boys tickling Brian Littrell's neck!

Atsushi Sakurai (singer) is the lead-vocalist of Japanese rock band BUCK-TICK and, at least for me, one of the hottest guys I've ever seen. I wrote to him on the band's official page, to ask if he was ticklish and, after a log wait, got a response:

"hi lena. only a tense muscle can be tickled. so, yes i am ticklish... feet, mostly"

Ruben (vocalist and keyboardist of band Vanadis) admits he is ticklish on the band's official site:

Things people should really know about you: I may look cool, but I am very ticklish, and sweet.

Kevin Smith (baseball player) here's a fun little Q&A with him:

What is one thing your teammates don't know about you?
I am ticklish.

Michael Muhney (actor) hints his own ticklishness in a twitter post:

(2 tweets today)
Icing broken collarbone, still raining outside. Tickling with the kids. Simpsons & Y&R on Tivo with "Cool Hand Luke" to end my evening. :)

Roger Waters (musician) gets a bit ticklish during a foot-massage!

Ryan Briscoe (IndyCar Series driver) # Q: Mychaela - Hi Ryan! You have such a great personality and sense of humor. You're fun to watch! I wanted to know are you ticklish and if so, where?
# A: Ryan Briscoe - Thanks. My feet.

Eddie Murphy (actor) was tickled on 'Saturday Night Live" back in the day. Here's a fan remembrance of the tickling:

i just remembered an eighties episodes where at the end of the program, y'know when they're waving and shit. eddie murphy tickled brad hall's armpit and then brad hall chased him tickling, eddie was laughing hard, but it was a little too you know for him and made him stop. any other snl tickles i'm sure i can think of one
John Rhys-Davies (actor) Here's an interesting blog/comment about him I read:

John Rhys-Davies is NOT ticklish!
Sep. 23rd, 2003 01:33 am
[personal profile] azewewish
But he is still the biggest flirt on the planet, aside from Dom.


Details to follow. Or just ask [ profile] lotrjunkie for more info.


Date: 2003-09-23 02:54 am (UTC)
From: [identity profile]
He is so ticklish! He likes to tickle, but I tickled him back and he cracked up. So there. I must have got him in exactly the right place... And yes, he absolutely is a flirt, one of the flirtiest men I have ever met. And adorable

John Pratts (Filipino actor, dance icon, TV host, image model/endorser, (former) band drummer, car enthusiast and businessman.) gets tickled on the photo above!

Joyce Jimenez found out just how ticklish John Prats is.

Taylor Lautner (actor) is abviously very ticklish (the 1st photo) It's a photoshoot picture of the Twilight cast and in it, Robert Pattinson (who happens to have very ticklish feet) tickles around his nipple area. He seemed to be affected cause he was laughing.

Sean Morris (He's one of the contestants on the American Ninja Warrior program on G4) was e-mailed and asked what kinds of things make him laugh, and where he was ticklish. His response:

English people, bottoms of feet.

Tim Lichfield (UK TV & Radio host/Quizmania) On the 7 o'clock friends room show Quizmania, UK's Channel 35, the nice looking presenter, Tim was sent a text asking if he was ticklish, he replied all over and that it would irritate him and he said maybe one of the crew would poke him but it never happened

Tim Meadows (actor) is another SNL tickling victim. Here's a fan report about his ticklishness:

As someone who watches SNL (Saturday Night Live) like a sicko, watching it right now, I can clarify that Tim Meadows it definitely totally ticklish. This might also help those looking for black celebs.
A while back there was a sketch where Tim was doing commentary and it cuts to "monica" and "bill" tickling each other. When it cuts back to Tim he had a such a reaction to it, like it was contagious. I couldn't help but wonder.
Anyway, there was another sketch with Horatio Zanz as a hooker and as it the sketch ends he tickled Tim in his knee pit. Tim doubled over laughing.

Tom Felton (actor who plays Draco Malfoy) tweets about tickling and being tickled:

Why do people laugh when getting tickled!I swear it hurts and yet I find it hillarious!i.e firm rib behind this please?

And here's an answer to a yahoo question:

Yes, ive tickled Tom Felton before which was funny seeing him laugh since he seems so mean in the harry potter films.
A basketball player tickled during a game!

Tyrese (rapper) is most ticklish on the palms of his hands.

William Nicholson (writer of novels, plays and movie scripts) was asked on his official site if and where he's ticklish, and gave a pretty cool answer :

Posted January 1st 2009

hi william, happy new year. I'm pretty new to your books, just started reading your fantasy novels Love them. Thought I'd ask you a silly, fannish question! I was wondering if you're ticklish, and if so where? hihi no one else would come up with that one! All the best in the new year!

William Nicholson responded:
Yes, I am ticklish, in all the usual places; though if I really set my mind to it I can make myself not be ticklish. I think you have to like someone for tickling to work. Imagine someone really scary trying to tickle you. Actually that would make a good scene in a story.

Ashton Kutcher having his foot tickled and looking very ticklish on his feet! :)

Neil Hopkins (actor) is very ticklish! Here's a fan report on his ticklishness:

So I was just watching Lost for the first time on DVD. Was watching the episode all about the guy in the band (the one from Lord of the Rings), and it focused a lot on that guys brother. I then realize it's a friend of mine from college! Now I only got a quick tickle on his side once before (pretty big reaction), but once a friend of ours was sitting next to him and started squeezing right above his knee. He went nuts laughing and saying "don't tickle!!!" He was so sensitive, I'm sure there's no tickle spot that wouldn't work on him.

That's so cool! Wait, which guy was it it? Dominic Monaghan (the one from lord of the rings) or his brother?
The brother - the cute one (he's definitely aged well!) :P


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