Philip Winchester (actor, Robinson Crusoe from TV series "Crusoe", Leontes from "Camelot", frank on "Fringe") is, by his own admission, really ticklish from head to toe and not all that shy about it! He's been asked a series of question on his official formspring page regarding his ticklishness and has replied in kind! Here's the rounded up Q&A with Philip Winchester:
Q: "I was wondering what size shoes you wear and do you like having your feet rubbed?"
usually when someone tries to give me a foot rub i just giggle and kick them! i'm sorry :)
Q: O, I'm sorry to hear that! My boyfriend's really ticklish on his feet and wouldn't let me go near them as well! :) Are your feet ticklish too, Philip?
haha! thank you.. and yes, my feet are very ticklish! ;)
Q: "I was wondering where your ticklish spots are?"
depends on my mood, i guess.. sides, ribs, feet and under the arms. the usual spots! :)
Q: Do you have tickly feet? xoxo
Q: on a scale of 1 to 10, how ticklish are you? where are your worst spots? xx
ol what's with the 'tickling' questions? 8... feet.
Q: I'll ask you a tickling question, but NOT about your feet :L are your stomach and ribs ticklish? Rank them both out of ten as well :) x
..yes, i'm ticklish on my ribs, but more so on my stomach! sometimes, if i'm trying to be intimidating, a friend would start tickling me and i'd crack up! other times i'm not ticklish at all.. depends on my mood and who's doing the tickling! my stomach's an 8, my ribs.. i'm not sure haha!
Q: Can you get someone to tickle you and film it for me? I really wanna see :D
i don't like being tickled.. it's terrible! so no. but thanks for asking!
Q: Awww, pleeeeaaaase? It only has to be short? :) And why don't you like being tickled? It's fun! It makes you laugh :D
haha! lots of things make me laugh! no need to be tickled for that!
Q: Hey, Philip, I see there's been a lot of feet talk on here lately! lol :) In that spirit, I'd ask what makes your feet more ticklish socks on or off? Do you like going in your bare feet? Are you more ticklish when your feet are bare or with sock on? haha!
o, geez.. yes, i do like going barefoot when i'm home..
i guess my feet are more ticklish bare, then with socks on, but i really can't stand having them tickled! it's torture! makes me shiver just thinking about it lol
Q: Ok, you say it's torture--what are some of the situations where you've had your feet tickled as an adult?
i had a full body massage last week and the masseuse kept on trying to work on my feet, and i could barely stand it! it tickled!
Q: "Lol. And you answered about a full body massage to another question....did they do your chest/stomach. If so did that tickle too?"
yes, it did. i'm ticklish pretty much anywhere on my body, but my feet are my worst part! i can't stand people touching the bottoms of my feet!
Q: Well, this is my last tickling question :) Please can you answer my earlier one about being tied up, and stopping one every minute? Pleaseplease? :) x
last one, ok? the order is feet, stomach, ribs, thighs. as i said before - i can't stand it when people tickle my feet!
Q: where do i get in line to give you a foot rub? promise I won't tickle.
lol too ticklish for foot rubs, sorry! i'd just kick you!
Q: "I read you're very ticklish, so I was wondering if that's true and, if so, where are your tickly spots?"
I've answered that already! but, yes, i'm really ticklish.. everywhere! don't get any ideas!
Q: Not necessarily, but the worst time you've been upperbody tickled!? Like, for the longest and where it tickles most? Where are you most ticklish on your upperbody btw? :)
i've always been ticklish, so i've had many experiences while growing up and later on as well. to this date, some of my friends would grab my side or armpit, when i'm not paying attention, and make me jump or laugh.. or something! lol i think that the longest time should be sometime during high-school... my friends had a blast making me squirm! haha my stomach is most ticklish!
Q: Would you ever consider doing a tickling video on one of those tickle websites? You sound like you'd be suitable, and they pay you! You should check it out! :')
lol didn't even know there were tickle videos! weird! haha
Don't know about you, but with his smile, muscular body and beautiful 10 1/2-11 size feet, I'd love to tickle him or try rubbing his feet, no matter how much he kicks! His wife is a lucky woman! lol I'd also post one more question, which I think is a great way to end this thread:
Q: Have you stopped responding to tickling questions?
lol what more is there to say?
(scroll down for all the Q&A... He's such a sweet guy! Hopefully, he'd get back to formspring soon!)
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