Friday, February 11, 2011





Adam Shenk (singer/songwriter) was asked if he is ticklish and where in the "Fan Questions" section of hims fanbridge page. He answered:

Q: Hey, Adam, you're really talented and handsome! :) My question is silly! I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, where? Thank you! xx jo

A: Haha I love this question!! (and thank you for the compliment!) YES, I am very ticklish, especially around my sides and armpits LOL...

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Andrew Allen (singer/musician) was asked if he is ticklish and where his tickly spots are on his official fanbridge Q&A page! His answer is not the most exciting, but it's also kind of funny:

Q: Andrew, Happy New Year! I love your voice and songs, and you're so handsome! My question's really silly! I was wondering are you ticklish and if so where? :) jo xx

A: Hmmm... ticklish... not really, one time a girl sat on my thumb while I was being tickled and she broke it... ever since then I'm kind of afraid of being tickled:)

Update: After Andrew's admission to being ticklish, he was asked if his feet are ticklish. His response wasn't great, but still better then none!

Q: I know you said you're not very ticklish but may i ask are your feet ticklish? what makes you laugh, you have a beautiful laugh? :)

A: Ha ha ha... no, my feet aren't very ticklish...

Update, June 2011: A few months after Andrew Allen admitted to being ticklish, a new fan decided to ask the question again. Turns out those feet may be more than a little ticklish!

Q: andrew i just discovered your music and really like it! you've got a grat voice! lol and you're very easy on the eye *wink wink* my qustion is where are you ticklish? i'm very... so i wondered lol

A: Thanks for the nice words... ticklish? Not so much... maybe my feet I guess?

Andrew Belle (American singer/songwriter) was asked if he is ticklish and what makes him laugh on his official fanbridge page. He replied:

Q: I'm in love with your songs "Static Waves" and "In My Veins", I've been playing them for days now! Hope someday you may play in Bulgaria! :) My question's what makes you laugh and are you ticklish? :)

A: Haha I am not ticklish, my crazy friends make me laugh.

Update: After stating (falsely) that he is not ticklish on fanbridge, Andrew Belle got asked if his feet are ticklish, and this time responded:

Q: Andrew, Happy Easter! Here's a silly question for you! DO you have ticklish feet? :) Salut!

A: YES!!! Happy easter to you as well!

Now that's an answer closer to Andrew Belle's answer to pretty much the same question sent to him on myspace:

Q: I was wondering do you have ticklish feet?

Haha Yes, I do have ticklish feet. Very! Good question, and thanks for the compliments!


(Guess the only way to know for certain would be to tickle his feet!)

Al Wycherley (singer/songwriter) was e-mailed on his official myspace page and asked the following question:

Q: I was wondering do you have ticklish feet?

In answer to your question yes I do have ticklish feet. Very ticklish actually but then don't we all? ;)

That's got to be the strangest question I've ever been asked.

Thank you, Al x x

Alvis Wright (English singer/songwriter) has been asked if he is ticklish on more than one occasion on myspace. Here is the Q&A:

Q: I was wondering if you're ticklish and, if so, where?

haha. I'm not sure if "ticklish feet" has any different meanings, but yes, I am very ticklish, all over. Thanks for all of your compliments, and thanks for listening!

Q: I was wondering do you have ticklish feet?

And well, I suppose I do, though I can't say too many people have tested me on it.

Austen Leathers (singer/songwriter) was asked if he is ticklish and has ticklish feet on his official myspace page to which he responded:

thank you so much! and i'll have you know i'm very ticklish!! :p


Albert Gines (singer/songwriter/guitarist) was asked if he is ticklish and if he has ticklish feet on his official myspace page. His reply was a tad vague:

All the best. Lots of love and light for you too,

By the way, I'm ticklish.

(Personal note: that man is so hot, it's almost impossible to put it down into words!)

Aryk Crowder (singer/songwriter) was asked on if he is ticklish and has ticklish feet. His answer wasn't the best one, but it hinted he's probably ticklish:

Q: Hey, Aryk, my question's a bit silly! I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, do you have ticklish feet? :)

A: eh, not really.. and if so.. what are you doing down there? My eyes are up here, hello!

Al Brant (country singer/songwriter) got asked the question "are you ticklish" on his official fanbridge Q&A page, and if he has ticklish feet, and replied simply:

Q: Al, Happy New Year! Here's a silly question for you! DO you have ticklish feet? :)

A: Hi Josephine....extremely ticklish. Happy new year to you.

Barry Eisler (actor/writer of criminal novels) was asked if and where he is ticklish on myspace and responded:

As for my ticklishness, I think I'd better keep that to myself, or people might try to tickle me!



Brian Mackey (singer/songwriter) was asked to reveal if he is ticklish and also where on his official myspace page, to which he replied:

Thanks for making me smile.. As a matter of fact I'm super ticklish! Did we meet already?? Just kidding.. I hope you have a great weekend and if you're on Facebook add me and say hello!


Update, 2011: Brian Mackey was asked about his ticklishness one more time on myspace - "I was wondering if you're ticklish and, if so, do you have tickly feet?" - and replied:

Thanks so much! Yes I do.. How did you know that??!!:)

Chris Willis (musician/singer) was asked if and where he is ticklish on myspace and admitted:

I am very ticklish but try to control it. If I'm ever squeezed in the middle of my thigh, I lose it and let out an uncontrollable shout. It's true. Kisses all over,

Carter Matthews (vocalist of Pop band Simple as Surgery) was asked if he is ticklish on formspring and admitted that fellow band mate Daniel is not the only ticklish guy in the band:

Hey, Carter, you're a really handsome and talented man! I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, where are your ticklish spots? Silly, I know! :)

aw thank you :) im ticklish on my hips and my rib cage haha

Christopher Tin (American composer whose work is primarily classical, with a world music influence.) was asked if and where he is ticklish on his official fanbridge page and gave a pretty silly reply!

Q: Hey, I love your music! My question's pretty silly: Are you ticklish and, if so, do you have ticklish feet? :)

A: I learned long ago never to admit that you're ticklish, whether you are or not. So the answer is NO and definitely NO, I'm definitely not ticklish on my feet, so don't even try. :)

Colin Bullock (Australian singer/songwriter) was asked on his official fanbridge page to reveal if he is ticklish, and if so where his tickly spots are! He answered:

Q: Hey, Colin, I'm a big fan of you and your music! And my question's kind of silly! I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, where are your tickly spots? Love you! xx jo

A: Hey Jo,
Thanks for your message :)
ummmm... ticklish spots...
definitely soles of feet and behind the knees haha

Conor Flynn (singer/guitarist) admitted he is ticklish as an answer to a fan question sent directly to him via myspace:

PS. I am ticklish under certain circumstances and in a few places...Thanks for wondering about such offbeat things.



Dan Days (English singer/songwriter) was asked if he has ticklish feet on myspace and replied:

Don't be a stranger.

Oh, and yes... I do

David Vector (singer/musician) has discussed his ticklishness on more than one occasion on myspace, admitting that he is very ticklish, especially on his feet. Here are his answers:

Q: I was wondering if you're ticklish and, if so, where?

Personal questions are fine - there are very few things that I'd be embarrassed to answer. I guess my most ticklish places would be the insides of my thighs and the bottoms of my feet. Naturally, not very many people have tickled that first area, given how close it is to the private regions, LOL. Thank you for dropping me a line - hope you're having a great day! David

Q: I was wondering do you have ticklish feet?

Interesting that you would ask - I do actually have ticklish feet and enjoy going barefoot (which I suppose makes them an easy target!). Have a great day and keep in touch!

Dale Harris (musician/guitarist) was asked on his official page if he is ticklish and replied:

Q: Hey, Dale, are you ticklish and, if so, do you have ticklish feet? :)

A: Hi. It depends on my mood and who is doing the tickling! However, if I'm concentrating on guitar-playing then the best tickler in the world wouldn't get my attention.

Daniel Mcelmurray (plays bass in a band called Simple As Surgery.) was asked if he is ticklish on his official formspring page and admitted:

Hey, Daniel, I really like your band! My question's kind of silly! I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, do you have tickly feet? Thanks a lot! love you xx

Haha i am ticklish! But only on my feet sometimes.

Daniel Rosenboom (composer/trumpet artist/producer) admitted he is ticklish on his official fanbridge page:

Q: Hey, Dan, you're awesome! I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, where? Silly, I know! Love xx jo

A: Hi - thanks! Um...I'll say that YES, I am ticklish...but I won't say where!"

Dan Mangan (Canadian singer/songwriter) has been asked if and where he is ticklish more than once on myspace, each time sticking to the fact that he is not extremely ticklish, but still ticklish enough!

Q: I was wondering if you're ticklish and, if so, where?

thanks jo - that's sweet of you.. i've got a soft spot for ireland.. and coffee.. i'm ticklish, but no more than your average ticklee i imagine.. safe travels!

Q: Are you ticklish and where?

heh.. thanks.. mildly ticklish..

Q: I was wondering do you have ticklish feet?

Thanks Paige, I suppose you could say mild to medium ticklishness

(on a side note - all the Canadians I know have been some really ticklish guys... maybe Dan's under-appreciating his own ticklishness?)

Dartanion London (Comedian) admits he is really ticklish as an answer to a fan question on fanbridge:

Q: Are you ticklish and, if so, where? Do you have ticklish feet? Silly, I know! :)

A: Yes, I'm ticklish in the usual places. I feel like if I were to have a professional massage I'd have to get to know the masseuse for like two months before I let them touch my feet.

David Singer (singer/musician) admitted he has ticklish ribs to a fan question sent directly to him:

Q: Hey, David, I'm a big fan of yours! :) My question's silly! I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, where are your spots? Happy New Year! :)

A: The ribs. Definitely the ribs.

Doug Baron (singer/musician) answered a fan question on his official fanbridge page, stating:

Q: Doug, are you ticklish and do you have ticklish feet? :)

A: Yes yes

Eric Geoffrey (New Age/Indie singer/songwriter/musician) did a Q&A on and was asked to reveal if and where he is ticklish. He replied:

Q: Hey, Eric, I've got a silly question for you: are you ticklish and, if so, where?

A: Ticklish? Oh my yes, in so many ways. As to where...well, we'll let wikileaks reveal that one.

Fabrizio Coppola (Italian singer/guitarist) was asked to reveal his ticklish spots on his official fanbridge profile. He answered:

Q: Hey, Fabrizio, are you ticklish and , fi so, where? :)

A: strange question… anyway… soles of my feet, of course

Gabriel Antonio (singer) was asked if he is ticklish on his official fanbridge page and gave a pretty funny answer!

Q: Hey, Gabriel. I'm a big fan of yours and think you're a very handsome and talented man! My question's a bit silly! Iwas wondering are you ticklish and, if so, do you have ticklish feet? :)

A: lmao. haha. yes, I'm ticklish. It'd be really weird if I met a fan and you went to hug me and started to tickle me... it'd be awkward. HAHA. Don't you dare! lol.

Gary Melvin (singer/guitarist/songwriter) admits to being ticklish to a fan question send directly to him via fanbridge. He has great cheekbones, doesn't he?

Q: Hey, Gary, you're really handsome! :) And I have a silly question for you: I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, in what spots?

A: Thank you for the compliment!! As for your "silly" question: for the most part I'm not ticklish, but I'm definitely more prone to be while in a goofy mood. It also depends on who is doing the tickling :-)

Thanks for your question!!

Update: Apparently, Gary's admission to being ticklish was more popular then expected!

Q: I know you said you're not very ticklish but may i ask are your feet ticklish? what size shoe are you? and how tall are you?

A: Hmmm... never thought the tickling subject would be so popular, but the answer is: sometimes. As for the stats: I'm a size 9 shoe in most brands, and 5'11" in height.

Glen Phillips (songwriter, lyricist, singer and guitarist, best known for alternative band Toad the Wet Spocket) was asked if he and his feet are ticklish on his official fanbridge Q&A page, and answered:

Q: Hey, Glen, I'm a big fan of yours! My question is pretty silly: Are you ticklish and, if so, do you have ticklish feet? :)

A: Oh yes.

Update, May 2011: After the 1st question on his ticklishness, Glen Phillips got asked another one, this time giving a little more information on his being ticklish and having tickly feet:

Q: Hey, Glen, I'm a big fan of yours! I have a funnt question! I've always wondered dare you ticklish on your feet and, if so, how much? Crazy, I know! :D All the best, u rock!

A: Yes. Ticklish. But I can keep my reaction under wraps for just long enough to do tickling psy-ops with the kids.

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Greg Holden (singer/songwriter) was asked if and where he is ticklish on his official fanbridge page and responded:

Q: Hey, Greg, I'm a big fan of your music! You're really amazing! :) My question is pretty silly: I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, what are your tickly spots? :) Happy Holidays! :)

A: I'm pretty ticklish. Under my arms are the worst.

Update: After Greg's admission to being "pretty ticklish" he was asked if he has ticklish feet and what his stats are:

Q: are your feet ticklish? what size shoe are you and how tall? thanks so much.

A: My feet are ticklish, I have size 10 feet and I'm 6ft tall.

Another proof that Greg Holden's feet are ticklish is the answer he gave, when he was asked "do you have ticklish feet" on his official myspace page:

Thanks for the complements, and yes, I do have ticklish feet!

Update, 2011: After responding to 2 1uestions regarding his ticklishness on fanbridge, Greg Holden was asked to point how ticklish he is:

Q: Hey, Greg, you're so hot and talented, I just luv you! :) My question is, hopefully, funny! I read you're ticklish, so I was wondering how much on a scale of 1-10? :D Personally, I'm very and hate it!

A: I'm getting less ticklish as the years go by, it's strange. I'd say I'm a 5

Ian Mellencamp Tribe (singer/songwriter) was asked if he is ticklish and, if so, where on his official myspace page, and answered:

Ah...yes, I am ticklish haha, but only on certain days and at certain moments. There are times when I am slap-happy and it's almost uncontrollable, I could be ticklish by even a touch on the arm. I was very ticklish as a child. And you?
Stay in touch~ (just don't tickle)


J Reno (hip-hop/singer/songwriter) was send a question regarding his ticklishness on fanbridge's Q&A page and answered:

Q: Are you ticklish and, if so, in what spots? :)

A: This is a wierd question but yeah, my feet are. My balls are pretty ticklish too hahah

Jacob Moon (award-winning Canadian singer/songwriter) was asked if and where he is ticklish in a fan question sent directly to him on fanbridge, and gave a rather exciting answer:

Q: Hey, Jacob, are you ticklish and, if so, where? :)

A: Indeed I am. It's always under the arms that gets sisters knew this and tortured me mercilessly as a kid.

Jann Klose (German born (pop) singer/songwriter) was asked if and where he is ticklish on fanbridge's Q&A section and responded:

Q: Hey, Jann, I'm a huge fan of yours and think you're both very handsome and talented! I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, where are your ticklish spots? :) Silly, I know! xx

A: Thanks Josephine... well, I admit the bottom of my feet are very ticklish. I'm looking for additional ones, spots that is :-)

JD Eicher & the Goodnights (Band) JD was asked on the band's official fanbridge page if he is ticklish, and if any of the other band members are. He replied:

Q: Hey, JD, here's a silly question for you and the guys! I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, where exactly? Merry Xmas!

A: Great question, and Merry Christmas to you, too!

Ryan - Stomach
Jim - N/A
Dan - Everywhere
JD - Torso

I hope this is helpful,



(Ryan's the guy with the glasses... I wonder if they ever get into tickle fights?)

Jason Gerard (Indie/Rock singer) was asked if his armpits and feet are ticklish on his official fanbridge page and gave a pretty weird answer:

Q: Are you ticklish under your armpits or on the bottom of your feet? :) Silly, I know! :)

A: You planning to ambush me on stage one day? :) Somethings are better left a mystery, but I'll leave you with this... The difference between someone kinky and a pervert is a kinky person likes to be tickled with a feather, a pervert prefers the whole chicken. I'm a whole chicken kinda guy!

Jesse Ruben (singer/songwriter/guitarist, who's toured with Ryan Cabrera (check letter "R")) was asked if he is ticklish and where his weak spots are on his official fanbridge "Fan Questions" page and answered:

Q: Hey, Jesse, I'm a huge fan of yours and think you're really talented! :) I also have a silly question! I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, in what spots? :)

A: yes. very much so. everywhere.

seriously. everywhere. its bad.

Update: Jesse Ruben's ticklishness has been a matter of interest for more than one person, as he got asked on it again:

Q: Hey, Jesse, are you ticklish and, if so, where are your ticklish spots? :)

A: yes. everywhere. please dont use this information against me. it always ends terribly.

Update, 2011: After admitting to being seriously ticklish everywhere, Jesse Ruben was asked to clarify about hist feet's ticklishness. He replied:

Q: Jesse, you're the most talented guy I've heard in a long time! :) My question's personal: what brings that lovely smile of yours and, just of curiosity, do you have ticklish feet? Hugs from Romania!:)

A: thanks!

what makes me smile? when people say nice things about my songs.

and yes, super ticklish. its annoying. HA!

John Stinekraus (model) answered to a casting call on the modelmayhem site, which called for very ticklish models, willing to be tickled! Here's the casting and John's answer:

I am casting for a tickle web site consisting of HOT female models tickling male fitness models and vice versa. The shoot is approx. 45 minutes to an hour in Staten Island and carpool is available. The pay is 200 cash. The only requirement is that you are ridiculously ticklish.

John Stinekraus:
Um its ON. Im very tickelish especially for a woman. LOL

Jon Garcia (musician/filmmaker) was e-mailed on his official myspace page and asked a couple of questions about his ticklish spots. He answered:

Q: I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, where are your ticklish spots?

Thank you for the kind words. Yes, I'm ticklish pretty much anywhere if you catch me off guard, but if I see you coming, I will stand tough and take it like a man.

Q: I was wondering are you ticklish and do you have ticklish feet?

I am little ticklish yes, mostly on my side but I assume my feet are as well, however it's been a while since I was tickled there :)

Josh Franceschi (lead singer of band You me at Six) was reported being ticklish by a fan, after she met him before a concert:

How I did it: I went to a You Me At Six concert, and before the rest of the crowd got there I met him in the car park. We were out there for about an hour and we had a great laugh. Josh is such a nice person and is really worth meeting! That was probably the best day of my life and would recommend getting to their concerts earlier because you might get lucky like me.

Lessons & tips: He has ticklish sides :D

Resources: Meeting him

Josh Paladini/The Muggies (A one-man band) was asked on his official fanbridge page if he is ticklish and, if so, where are his most ticklish spots. He gave a really cool answer!

Q: Are you ticklish and, if so, where the most? :)

A: Yes, extremely, so be careful 'cuz I spaz out and whatnot. When I was a kid I used to ask my Mom and Uncle to tickle me, because I love to laugh so much. My stomach is most ticklish, but all the other spots (feets, back of the knee, armpits) are quite ticklish as well.
Thanks for your question and for signing up for the email list. Have a great day.

Josiah Gentry (young singer/songwriter) was asked a couple of questions regarding his ticklishness on myspace and gave some pretty cool answers:

Q: I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, where?

I am indeed incredibly ticklish, mostly on my sides.... but don't get any ideas.

Q: I was wondering do you have ticklish feet?

You're right, that is an extremely silly question... mmm I think I have ticklish feet? They aren't tickled that often, but as I recall... they can be ticklish. Yup.

Jovaughn (model) answered to a casting call on the modelmayhem site, which called for very ticklish models, willing to be tickled! Here's the casting and Jovaughn's answer:

We are always looking for models that are very ticklish to be in our videos. If you are VERY ticklish, then we want to talk to you! Yes, working topless is a plus but nudity is NOT required. By far the most important thing is that you have a strong reaction to being tickled. If you have a friend you like to work with, and you are both very ticklish... let us know!

I am extremely ticklish and would like to participate.

(P.S. I guess the other models, who replied, are super ticklish too... What do you think?)

Killa Skrapps (hip-hop/pop/rap duo/musician/songwriters) were kind enough to respond (in details) to a fan question sent directly to them on fanbridge that come, and to discuss their ticklishness:

Q: Hey, guys, I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, where and who's more ticklish? :)

A: Yes, we are both very ticklish, and can't agree who is more ticklish! Grubot (Josh) says, "My tummy is most ticklish, but my feet also. When I was a kid I used to basically asked to get tickled until I was breathless, as I love to laugh so much!" Phenom (Jonny) says, "My feet are most ticklish, and also that spot above my hips. It really tickles when someone grabs me there."

Thanks for your question and for signing up! We appreciate it!

I'd love to see those two engaged in a tickle-fight!

Kris Orlowski (singer/songwriter/from the Kris Orlowski band) was asked about his ticklishness in a fan message sent directly to him, and replied:

Q: Hey, Kris, and Merry Xmas! :) I have a silly question for you! Are you ticklish and, if so, where? :)

A: Haha, yes, I'm very ticklish -- pretty much everywhere. Especially when I know someone is trying to tickle me.

(he's the one in the middle!)

Update: This month, the "ticklish question" that Kris had already responded to led to another one, about his feet's ticklishness, to which he gave a most exciting answer!

Q: you can't tell stats from a picture-- just think you're great- mind if i ask another silly question-- saw that you said something about being ticklish earlier-- are your feet ticklish? thanks alot.

A: My feet are so ticklish it's ridiculous...though I can't speak for the rest of the band. -Kris

Marquis McMichael (solo-artist in project One Word Song) was asked if he is ticklish and whether he has ticklish feet in a Q&A session on his fanbridge profile. His answer wasn't all that exciting, sadly!

Q: Are you ticklish and, if so, do you have ticklish feet?

A: Between you and me, yes, I'm a little ticklish. Girls always try to get me, not sure about the feet though cause they don't try there.

Michael James (singer/musician) was asked if and where he is ticklish on fanbridge. He answered:

Q: Hey, Michael, you're really talented and handsome! :) My question is silly! I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, where? Thank you! xx jo

A: Yes I am ticklish. As to what parts of my body are ticklish, that's a secret :)

Update, June 2011: Here'a follow up question, about Michael's feet. He doesn't deny it!

Q: follow-up to ticklish question-- are your feet ticklish- xx :)

A: Like I said, it's a secret :)

Mike Peralta (singer/songwriter/musician) was asked two seperate questions about his ticklishness on myspace, and gave some pretty cool answers:

Q: Are you ticklish and, if so, where?

Ohhhhh and as for being ticklish... Lets see... I think the easiest way to get me would be under my arms, on my rib cage. Sometimes between my neck and shoulder. And (shhhhh this is a secret), on my naked butt cheeks haha.... of course you'd have to be my girlfriend or something to have access there, and catch me off guard. Also, I'm sometimes pretty good at blocking out the tickle sensation, but if you persist and make noises and a face that try to convince me I'm being tickled SO bad, I'll lose my ability to block it out.

Q: I was wondering do you have ticklish feet?

HA! Now why would I tell you my feet are ticklish... just so you can use it against me? Ok seriously, they're kind of ticklish. As any girlfriend would find out, its easy to tickle me if you jump on me all at once, but if you give me time to think about it and pull my focus together, I can resist and just laugh in your face as you foolishly try and fail.

Nick Howard (musician/singer/songwriter) was asked if and where he is ticklish on fanbridge and answered:

Q: Hey, Nick, I'm a big fan of yours! :) I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, in what spots? Silly, I know! :)

A: haha. I used to be a lot more but I've toughened myself up in the last few years :)

Perrie Kitching (singer/guitarist) started a Q&A session with fans, using, on his twitter page! He got asked if and where he is ticklish and answered:

Q: Hey, Perrie, I'm a big fan of yours and think you're very handsome and talented! My question's pretty silly! I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, where are your ticklish spots? :) xx

A: I'm ticklish in my armpits lol.

Petter Chikan (Swedish Indie singer/artist/musician) was asked if and where he is ticklish on his official fanbridge page and responded:

Q: Hey, I really like your music and think you're a very handsome and talented man! :) My question's a bit silly! i was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, where?

A: Hey Josephine! Thank you very much... and to answer Your question; yes indeed, very. But the info on my weak spots I could for natural reasons never give up.

Cheers / Petter

Reid Jamieson (Canadian singer/songwriter) was asked if he is ticklish and gave a pretty short and vague answer!

Q: Reid, are you a ticklish guy? :)

A: isn't everyone?

Russell Patrick Brown (model, actor, singer, performing artist) did a Q&A chat with fans on his official fanbridge page and was asked to reveal if and where his ticklish spots are. His reply is pretty cool:

Q: Hey, Russell, you're really hot! :) I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, in what spots? Silly, I know! :)

A: Ha ha! I can't tell if you're a spammer or if you're actually serious! Well, I don't think it'll hurt to answer this question. I'm ticklish everywhere. Just look at me like you're goin' in for the kill and you'll hear a yelp out of me.


Ryan Corbett (singer/songwriter, who performs as I AM RYAN) was asked on a couple of occasions to discuss his ticklish spots on myspace. His replies are cool!

Q: I was wondering if you're ticklish and, if so, where?

As for being ticklish, yes I'm very. Everywhere I think :)

Q: I was wondering do you have ticklish feet?

Glad you like my music... and the answer to you question is a huge yes!

He's the type of guy I'd love to tickle... especially on his feet! :)

Ryan McMahon (Canadian singer/songwriter) is asked if and where he is ticklish on his official fanbridge page and gives a pretty funny/weir reply:

Q: Are you ticklish and, if so, where are your spots?

A: Josephine, I've got 3 spots. One is the ribs, the other is my neck, and the third is unmentionable.
Come to a show and we will discuss this important detail.

Sam Beeton (British singer/songwriter) admits to being ticklish and having really ticklish feet to fan question sent directly to him via his official page:

Q: Hey, Sam, I'm a big fan of yours and think you're both very talented and handsome! My question's silly! I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, do you have ticklish feet? :)

A: Hello Josephine!

Excellent question. Sometimes I can resist the ticklisation and remain composed, however when I'm tired I can no longer hide it! My feet are more ticklish than anywhere else...probably!

Take care Josephine, and don't let this give you any ideas!


If his feet are anywhere near as gorgeous as the rest of him is, he'd be on top of my tickle wish-list!

And here's some more tickle discussion, between Sam and his fans!

Q: lol Sam, the answer to the "ticklish feet" question was funny! :) Can I ask in what other spots you are ticklish and how you feel bout it? I hate it!!! Has anyone told you your stunningly handsome? ;)

A: Lol I'd tell you more but I have to save some things for members of the record club!

Why thank you Page, I'm glad someone thinks so!

Take care

Sean Pinchin (Canadian Folk/Indie singer/songwriter) invited fans to ask him questions over at fanbridge, and got asked if he or his feet are ticklish! He responded:

Q: Hey, Sean, I love your music and think you're really talented! My question's silly! I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, do you have ticklish feet?

A: Yes! I am very ticklish, in fact my feet are SUPER ticklish. Its not an area I let many people near.....

Thanx for the Question =)

Shane Sheckler (Reality TV star "Life of Ryan") was asked if he is ticklish and if his feet are too on his official page. He answered:

Hey, Shane, I have a silly question! I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, do you have ticklish feet? :D

Haha yeah

Shenole Latimer (saxophonist) was asked to reveal if he is ticklish and if his feet are too on fanbridge's Q&A section! He answered:

Q: Hey, Shenole, I really like your music! :) I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, do you have tickly feet? Silly, I know! xx

A: Interesting question...not much on the musical side...but if you must know, I'm not very ticklish, but my feet are indeed, as they say, ticklish!

Steve Carty (photographer) was asked if he is ticklish on his official fanbridge page. He answered:

Q: Hey, Steve, I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, where? :)

A: Feet.

Thomas Fiss (singer/songwriter) Singer and musician Thomas Fiss is ticklish. He was asked on his official MyYearBook Page:

Q: Hi Thomas! You are amazing!! I wanted to know, are you ticklish and if so, where? asked by Mychaela

A: oh geez...sooo ticklish...everywhereeee

Tom Schraeder & His Ego (musician/singer/songwriter) was asked a couple of tickling questions on his official myspace page, and gave some very hot answers!

Q: I was wondering if you're ticklish and, if so, where?

xo, Tom
- tickling my feet could make me go nuts

Q: I was wondering do you have ticklish feet?

- Tom

Yes, they are uncontrollably ticklish. quite bad. talk soon and feel free to hit me up. i just never go on this thing.

Tim Lee (American stand-up comedian living in southern California) was asked to reveal if he is ticklish on his official fanbridge page! His answer wasn't the most serious one, but...

Q: Merry Christmas, Tim! :) I have a silly question for you: Are you ticklish and, if so, what are your ticklish spots? :) I love your smile!

A: Yeah, I'm half ticklish half Irish.

Update: Tim just responded to a question, asking if his feet are ticklish!

Q: lol You're cute and funny! :) Do you have ticklish feet?

A: Yes, I do! Thanks for the compliment!

Troy MacCubbin (Australian singer/guitarist, who tours with Russian duo TATU) did a Q&A with fans, using fanbridge, and was asked a couple of questions, regarding his ticklishness! In the 2nd one was even hinted he's got "really ticklish feet"... Which he didn't deny!


Q: Are you ticklish and, if so, where are your ticklish spots? You're really handsome, Troy! :) luv u xx

A: I am a little ticklish, but I'd rather tickle than be tickled! xoxoxoxo Where? Thats a secret!

(I wouldn't mind him tickling me... and vice versa!)


Q: lol It's so cute that a big and sexy man like you is ticklish, Troy! :) I remember reading once that you've got really ticklish feet... Is that true? :) xx

A: ;) maybe I do. Your a sweet heart. I can be ticklish everywhere sometimes.

Will Black (rock musician/singer/songwriter) was questioned on his ticklishness on his official page, and he gave a really cool answer!

Q: Hey, Will, I love your music! And my question's a bit silly: I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, in what spots? :)

A: Don't touch my feet!!!

Zach Berkman (singer/songwriter) has discussed his ticklishness and ticklish spots on three different occasions on his official myspace page. During those Q&A sessions he reveled:

Q: I was wondering if you're ticklish and, if so, where are your ticklish spots?

yes, i am ticklish i guess, probably on my sides....and not all of my photos are serious. there are a few funny ones here or there. hope that answers your questions. have a great day and be well. zach

Q: Are you ticklish and, if so, where are your tickly spots?

i'm definitely ticklish, but nowhere special...just kind of everywhere. lol. hope that answers your question. have a good one. zb

Q: I was wondering do you have ticklish feet?

in answer to your question, of course my feet are ticklish. aren't everyone's? have a good one and be well. zb


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