Thursday, October 21, 2010




Adam Sandler (actor) got his armpit tickled by Rob Schneider at the New York premier of their movie "Grown ups" (above) Adam, Rob, Chris Rock and the rest of the cast were posing for a photo, when Schneider surprisingly reached out and started tickling Adam Sandler under the arm, making him laugh out loud and grab at his hands!

Ben Casnocha (popular blogger/writer of "My Start Up Life") admits to having very ticklish feet on his official blog:

The only oddity was that the massuse didn't touch my quads or buttocks -- two of the largest muscle groups on the body. Instead, she obsessed with my feet. I happen to have very ticklish toes and feet. When she grabbed them, I left my meditative state, started sweating, and gripped the massage table. My leg convulsed with every touch. None of this dented her enthusiasm. In the face of such stress, all of my usted conjugations escaped me, so I said nothing except curse under my breath.

Benjamin Law (Brisbane-based freelance writer of books, magazine articles, etc.) discusses his book "The Family Law) and his relationship with his brother:

4. What was your childhood relationship with your older brother like?

Growing up, my fights with him would involve him tickling me to the point of tears, and me spitting and scratching at him, cat-like. This is all documented in the book.

Chris Adams (musician, guitarist & singer) admitted his feet are ticklish to a fan question sent directly to him. He's doing a regular Q&A over at fanbridge's Fan Questions section:

Q: Hey, Chris, I really like your music! My question's kind of silly - I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, do you have ticklish feet? Lots of love and light! :)

A: yeah, i got really ticklish feet.."

Answered on 10/10/2010 by Chris Adams

Q: Hey, Chris, and Merry Xmas! I was reading through your questions and noticed you're ticklish... I was wondering where else, besides your feet? :)

A: Yes!!!, under the arms and around the tummy"

Update, 2011: Chris Adams was asked if he has ticklish feet on myspace as well, and answered:

Well yes i do have tigglish feet, very can you tell? ;)

Conan O'Brien (TV presenter/host) admitted he is ticklish on the Conan O'Brien Show! He had Jeff Goldblum on the show one day and it was a really odd interview. Jeff just looks at Conan and asks "are you ticklish" and Conan says "yeah, but not down there" (around his knees and stuff). Jeff then asked "oh yeah - where?" and Conan said "I'll tell you later" or something like that.

Jeff: Are you ticklish? (Reaches for Conan's knees)
Conan O'Brien: Yeah, but not down there...
Jeff: Oh yeah - where?
Conan O'Brien: I'll tell you later...

Guy McKnight (vocalist of Brighton 80s band Matchbox B-Line Disaster) talks about getting tickled and involuntarily pissing.

The hardest I ever laughed
“On tour once, a friend of mine decided to attack me by tickling me while I was wearing only my boxer shorts. I involuntarily pissed all over his hands.”

Jerry de Borg (guitarist/backing vocal for British rock band Jesus Jones) did an interview where he talks on things that makes him laugh. Tickling comes up, but his answer is not very detailed:

Where are you ticklish?

John James (Big Brother UK 2010 contestant) is mega ticklish all over his body, especially under his arms and his waist. He got tickled on Big Brother, in a segment called "Six in a Bed", where some of the contestants were cuddling together in a bed. John ended up on top, so they started tickling him and he was laughing, squirming and screaming for them to stop:

John James: Stop... I'm ticklish! Stop!!! You bastards... you bastards!

"Housemate bonding has been taken to a new level in the house thanks to a good old fashioned bundle! Now that everybody knows how ticklish John James is will he ever be able to let his guard down for fear of further tickle attacks?"

Justin Young (World Series of Poker Player/Legends of Poker player) is apparently quite ticklish and gets tickled by the other player during and in between games:

Can You Get a Penalty for Tickling?

Level 8: 400-800, 100 ante

Can you get a penalty for tickling?

It isn't a question coming out of thin air either--Justin Young has a problem. The player on his left keeps reaching over and tickling his side when Young least expects.

"I don't know what to do," Young explains. "If I look at him, I might egg him on. If I ignore him, he might get upset."

To make matters worse, whenever the player in question is out of his seat, JC Alvarado, who is seated on the other side of the tickler, takes it upon himself to reach over and poke Young to keep up the fun.

The tickling began after the player won a large pot and hit his fist on the felt in celebration. The pound on the table visibly surprised Young. Perhaps because he enjoyed seeing Young's surprised face, or perhaps because he just enjoys being friendly, the player reached over and tickled Young.

Young and Alvarado fill an observer in on what has been happening and the player in question remains surprisingly mum on the subject. He doesn't deny what he's been up to, but he doesn't offer much of an explanation either.

Young is taking the unusual circumstances in stride though. "I pretend I don't like it to keep up appearances with the guys, but when no one is looking I wink at him."{BE6B77C6-3BC6-46A9-968E-9A7C83103C98}&blogId={75F33961-5292-4C9B-90E8-F2AA556387DA}

As mentioned previously, Justin Young was one of the Day 2 casualties, but what was perhaps more disturbing to the poker pro was the amorous behavior of one of his tablemates. According to Young and Alvarado, there was a player at their table who had a penchant for reaching over and tickling Young at the most inopportune times. The player did not speak English, so Young was unable to get too many answers about the tickling before he busted the man in a flush versus full house situation.

Over the years we've seen a lot on the World Poker Tour but we've never seen a player get tickled at the poker table. That all changed today when Justin Young was constantly tickled, yes literally tickled, by his opponent while he was in a hand. He explains to Kimberly Lansing.

Here's a video of Justin getting tickled, telling the story and commenting on it:

(Video's called "Tickle Me Justin")

Keith Follese (singer/musician/producer) was e-mailed on his official myspace page and asked if he is ticklish and where. He replied:

The usual spots:)

Lee Seung Gi (Korean actor, musician and MC) is reported being extremely ticklish in a fan comment on the post below:

lee seung gi is very well-rounded..the only flaw i now about him is being extremely ticklish..and thats not even a bad flaw at all..its uber cute~ hahaha

Mark Suppelsa (TV Host - Chicago anchor) was e-mailed and asked: " I was wondering are you ticklish and, if so, do you have ticklish feet? :)" After a brief delay, Mark replied:

Well, first, thank you so much for your kind email! I appreciate your sweet words. As for ticklish...ok, I'll admit it. Feet and under the arms. Especially the latter! :)

Mark Suppelsa's ticklishness is well known from his previous admissions as well:

It was revealed on Eric and Kathy (101.9 FM) that Mark Suppelsa is mega ticklish. They asked him on this morning's show and he said he's ticklish everywhere - feet, armpits, sides - you name it. He said that his wife can't touch him without him reacting.

About two weeks ago Mark Suppelsa was subbing and doing the news. I had emailed Eric asking if Mark was ticklish. He started to ask it at about 6am. He had the choice of asking that question or another one and Kathy picked the other one. I was so pissed. I'm not sure if he wound up asking Mark the question later in the episode. For the record, I emailed Mark Suppelsa asking if he's ticklish and he said.

"Oh God. Very, very ticklish and my kids know just where to get me."

Omid Djalili (British actor and comedian) admits to having ticklish feet in a bit strange and funny manner:

The worst hotel you've stayed in?

I stayed in a horrible one with bed bugs in Fontainebleau. I kept saying to my wife: "Are you tickling my feet?" but she said she wasn't.

Paul James (has a show, Gardening By the Yard on HGTV). He is ALWAYS showing off his bare feet in his show, and they are actually pretty nice. Anyway, I was reading through the Q & A section of his site, thinking that maybe someone asked him if he was ticklish.

Bingo! Someone did. Apparently, around the time he answered the question, it seemed that he had three different questions regarding his feet, here is how he answered:

I got three questions regarding my feet. Interesting, huh? One was from someone who merely wanted me to know how much he or she admired them. Thanks for that. Another one was from someone who wanted to know if my feet are ticklish. (Answer: Yes, very much so.) And the third was from someone who wanted to know my shoe size, which happens to be 13D.

It's the first reply, under "Foot Fetishes"... Pretty funny!

Richard Belzer (actor, comedian, writer) was reported being ticklish in an interview with LS Writer, JEREMY WEINER. The interview was in a Letterman E-newsletter:

Q. You encountered Richard Belzer on the picket line. Tell us one thing about him that would surprise us.
A. He's very ticklish.

Russell Crowe (actor, singer, "Gladiator") is EXTREMELY ticklish! He has both admitted it on TV and has gotten tickled while performing live:

(from an old fan report)
While on stage with his band 30 Odd Foots of Grunts, Russell had the tendency to behave goofy and tickle his band-mates in order to distract them from playing their instruments. According to a fan review of a concert, one night Crowe was telling a story to the public, when band-mates Stewart Kirwan and Dave Wilkins, Russell's usual tickle-targets, sneaked behind him and surprisingly tickled his ribs and armpits, making him jump, laugh and withdraw from their fingers.

Russell was asked if his ticklish, during an Oprah Specials for the Oscars, last year:

Nicole Kidman was interviewing Russell Crowe. Nicole started by saying to Russell that "all I ask is that you not refuse to answer any question and that you are completely honest". And sure as hell, the first question out of her mouth is, "Are you ticklish?" His answer, "Extremely, extremely ticklish" and he shakes his head.

Nicole: Are you ticklish?
Russell: Oh extremely. Extremely ticklish.
Nicole: Because you know what they say about people who are ticklish...
Russell: :confused face: That they laugh a lot?
Nicole: Nooooo, sexually repressed.
Russell: :shocked face: really?!?
Nicole: Yeah, lets move off that...
Russell: :laughs hysterically:

Simon Amstell (British comedian, host of music panel show 'Never Mind The Buzzcocks.')

Love this guy so much :-') Was watching Grandma's House on BBC iPlayer and at about 4:50 onwards he is tickled. Might be that only British viewers can see this video?

(It's not viewable to people in the US. Here is the same episode on You Tube:)

Thom Filicia (interior designer, most famous for his role on the American television program Queer Eye) is reported being tickled as a punishment for being "the worst teaser, like a big brother who revels in picking on everyone else) by Queer Eye co-star Jai Rodriguez. That's from "The Advocate" magazine:

As far as getting back at Thom, Jai reports, "We hold him down and tickle him."

Ti'Jean (rapper/hip-hop producer) admits he is ticklish in a h20magonline interview:


Tell us an interesting fact about yourself that few people know. We’re curious.


I like Korean BBQ and I’m really ticklish. Haha!

Tim Gunn (TV personality, Project Runaway) is ticklish! He gets tickled by Heidi Klum in a Project Runaway backstage video, upper-body tickling, and just laugh his head off. I'd call him extremely ticklish!

"Tim Gunn is Ticklish!
Project Runway finale in T minus 5 minutes! I've been passing this time by watching this cute behind the scenes clip that starts as a walk off and devolves into a ticklefest involving Heidi and Tim."

Yes, that was Project Runway host Heidi Klum tickling mentor Tim Gunn after he had a walk-off with designer Christian.

Update: Here's mention of Gunn's ticklishness in an exclusive Heidi Klum interview:

However, the host has another favorite off-camera pastime: tickling Gunn! “He’s so ticklish,” she laughs.

Vir Sanghvi (Indian reporter/journalist/host) hints at having ticklish feet on a twitter post:

Had my feet nibbled by many varieties of fish to slough off the dead skin...strange and ticklish, don't think will try it again in a hurry


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