"Who's tickling?!? Who's ticklish?!?! Is Brian Roberts ticklish?!?!? Oh, yes he is!!"

(starts in the middle)

@LloydDanielsUK getting his toes tidied!! I think he's ticklish!!

Hahaha… pretty much everywhere, Josephine. (on the ticklish question)
And.. yeah.. pretty standard ticklish. Not sure any one place more than another.

Yes I am, pretty ticklish actually. I can't stand people touching the bottoms of my feet!
She might have tickled him afterward, as he started chuckling again.

As far as our question, I would say that I was ticklish when I was younger, but I've lost that reaction as I've gotten older :)
Hey Jo! Hahaha, your question made me laugh. Well, in answer to it, I would say that I used to be, but not so much any more. :)
Talk soon,
JCPersonal note: My boyfriend used to say the same thing, until I found how ticklish his feet and inner thighs are. ;-)

Heigl: I’m not going to be like ‘I miss you so much and I love you!’ I just can’t, it’s just not my thing, but I definitely try on special occasions or just spontaneously, to do something really special for him. That can be as simple as making dinner or tickling his back. I don’t make big grand gestures generally. Maybe I should.
Burns: Bubble bath? Heigl: I didn’t want to say something else. Burns: You got to tickle him.
Josh Kelley was asked on his official myspace page if he is ticklish and where. Re replied:
yes I'm ticklish, my back and feet especially lol

are you ticklish? if so, where?

...And I've always wanted to write in and ask you a silly little question, but was embarrassed to do it! lol I wanted to ask are you ticklish and do you have ticklish feet? :) Silly, I know! Lots of love and regards, jo xx
josephineamos - Well the honest truth is yes. But sometimes if I can summon my mind powers I can overcome. -j-
Jon's been questioned on his ticklishness before, also admitting that:
1) ...I was wondering what gets you to smile and where your ticklish spots are?
Thanks for the note - I am ticklish everywhere, that's why I smile. -j-
answered by Jon on Mar 13, 2008 1:35am
2) ...My question's personal - I was wondering if you're ticklish and where?
Mylene - I am ticklish on my fingertips...that's why I tend to smile when I play. Take care! -j-
answered by Jon on Mar 13, 2008 9:24pm

Lauren K just discovered that James' feet are extremely ticklish.... he's in trouble now. Hee hee hee!!!!!
In an older interview, James hints his feet may not be his only ticklish spot:
You've also gotten to play EJ's grandfather, Santo DiMera, and so for that, you had to take on a different accent and you had period costume. What was that like?
It was a challenge. The mustache was very ticklish, which is never very fun.
Update, 2011: Here's a fun little article, where James Scott mentions how during his hospital scens on "Days of Our Lives" Galen Gering (who also has ticklish feet!) used to tickle him under the covers:
As for James Scott, the sexy actor tells Soap Opera Weekly that he has hated being in an onscreen coma because Galen Gering would tickle Scott under the covers during their scenes. “He’s quite a joker,” laughs Scott.
Update, June 2011: Here's a scene from "Days of Our Lives" where James Scott gets tickled on the sides of his stomach and literally jumps and laughs out loud! Very sexy laugh and reaction, and leaves no place to wonder wether his feet are the only extremely ticklish part of his body:
http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=o2cEoIzZtP0
(remove space... starts at 5:10)

Hi jesse. i'm just wondering, r u ticklish if so, where? and would u ever do a tickling scene in a movie or show?
Yes i am, my feet lol, no never! xx
Update: So, after almost a year off formspring, Jesse Metcalfe started answering fan questions as well... And so far, his answers have been great! :)
"...You said your feet are ticklish, so I was wondering how much on a scale from 1-10? :D Have an amazing New year!!!! xx"
Jesse Metcalfe
definitely a 10
He has incredibly ticklish feet!
If you were tied down, and one person was tickling your feet, one your thighs, one your stomach and one your ribs, and you were allowed to stop 1 of them each minute, in what order would you stop them?
Jesse Metcalfe
feet, ribs, thighs, stomach
Could you still sing while being tied down and tickled relentlessly?
i can honestly say...no lol.

How would we make you laugh?
Tickle my feet.

Hi Ryan! I wanted to know if you're ticklish and if so, where?
RyanP LlVE: lol ribs and stomach lol!
(on the photo above, Ryan Phillipe gets tickled during a photoshoot)

JC: The foot massage — there’s nothing better.
SS: My feet are so ticklish, and normally we go into a place like that, and everyone’s laughing at me.

T'es chatouilleux ? Guiliguili !
Uniquement les pieds !
(Claire : bah tu les aimes pas, ils te le rendent bien ! Mouahhaha !)
Are you ticklish? Tickletickle !
Only my feet !

(tickling starts after the 1st minute... he's extremely ticklish!)

GH: How about family rituals — what are yours?
Emma: Tickling Dad — he’s very ticklish. Oh, and cards in front of the fire, books in bed…

He says he is most ticklish under his arms.
Dunc's ticklishness is also mentioned on two separate German fan sites of his, that state the following under the tag of Facts:
-Duncan ist besonders kitzelig unter den Armen
-Duncan is especially ticklish under the arms
Er is sehr kitzelig !(vorallem unter den Armen!)*süss*
He is VERY ticklish! (most of all under the arms!)

Well that is a weird question but a good one.....I'm only ticklish on my feet, very :)
LOL! Yes I am ticklish, but only on my feet :) Thank you and hope all is well with you, Billy
Recently, Bill got an e-mail from a fan, already familiar with the fact he's very ticklish, who asked if it's true and where?
Well thank you very much. Sorry for the delay in responding, but it's been a very crazy month. Yes what you read was correct and it's my feet, they are very ticklish. :-) XX Billy

Ben Shephard (TV host/actor) admits he is really ticklish twice! First he sheepishly admits to being very ticklish in an interview about his role in Harry Potter:
“My parents always insisted I kept my hair short and smart, but in Harry Potter I have long locks and a moustache, which unfortunately was very ticklish,” chuckled Ben.
Than, he admits his feet are "too ticklish" during a chat with fans on his official twitter:
@benshephard do you think your get a foot rub? tonight
@kellywilliams4 doubt it kelly too ticklish!
I'd love to rub and tickle his feet!
“My parents always insisted I kept my hair short and smart, but in Harry Potter I have long locks and a moustache, which unfortunately was very ticklish,” chuckled Ben.
Than, he admits his feet are "too ticklish" during a chat with fans on his official twitter:
@benshephard do you think your get a foot rub? tonight
@kellywilliams4 doubt it kelly too ticklish!
I'd love to rub and tickle his feet!

Right before the halftime at the Crush game, Ace got on the elevator that I was one! Got my pic taken with him. He is SO Awesome!!!!! I was shaking so bad that I was tickling him as I had my arm around him!

In the video below, Taylor and Kristen Stewart are having a photoshoot... at the end of the video, around 1:25, Kristen tickles Taylor's side, making him laugh out loud and pull back... that boy's extremely ticklish!
Update: Here's an interesting Q&A from chacha.com
Q: Is Taylor Lautner ticklish?
A: Taylor Daniel Lautner is an American actor. He is perhaps best known for his portrayal of Jacob Black in the Twilight film series. He has previously stated that his neck is extremely ticklish.
Update, 2011. Taylor Lautner can't handle being tickled! That was revealed by Belle Thorne in an online Q&A with the J-14 magazine:
J-14: What was it like working with Taylor Lautner on My Own Worst Enemy?
Bella: It was very cool because he's really nice and he's really ticklish! Like you can just go, "I'm gonna tickle you," and not even touch him and he starts laughing saying, "No, please don't!" So, he's really funny.

Just blew ANOTHER huge coke deal! Dammit, it's hard being an undercover cop! Started laughing at the bad guys b/c my mustache tickled.

2 things that happened due 2 this massage.1.Back pain went away & 2.Found a new place that I'm ticklish.Ha. Seeya Boston. Sparks,Out! Go Sox

anywho, I remember taping Nsync Live @ Much Music when I was like, twelve. At the beginning of the interview, Chris Kirkpatrick is trying his darndest to make Rick Campanelli really uncomfortable, so while they're asking questions, he moved his chair right beside Rick, puts an arm on his shoulder firmly and doesn't let go. One of the band members is talking and the camera is focused on him, but I remember watching what they were doing. Rick kept trying to wiggle out of Chris' grip, failing, and then he reaches out and tickles Chris under the arm, and he jerks back instantaneously. Looked like a pretty ticklish reaction to me.

Are you ticklish?
YES. VERY. VERY. VERY TICKLISH. If someone tickles me I swear I will punch them in the face.

Are you ticklish?
Update: After's his admission to being very ticklish, Topher got a question oh his ticklish spots and if he has ticklish feet. His response:
You said you're very ticklish, so I was wondering where your ticklish spots are? Do you have ticklish feet? xx jo
i wont releve my ticklish spots but my feet are very ticklish
Update: In a resent post, Topher further discusses his ticklishness, tickle fights and his (dis)like of being tickled:
Hey, Topher, I read you're very ticklish, so I started wondering are the other guys in Set in Color ticklish as well? lol Have you guys ever had a tickle fight and do you like being tickled? You're so cute! :)
haha nope, no tickle fights and i hate being tickled

hey my feet are ticklish so NO. And i DO have a girlfriend so please dont say you want to lick my feet and have me sing to you.
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