Monday, November 23, 2009




Adam Lambert (singer, American idol 09)

Yesterday afternoon, my boss emailed me to say that you and Kris Allen were scheduled to walk the Us Weekly red carpet event, and that I should send Larry some questions. Given that you and I are scheduled for a sit-down interview next week (can't wait, by the way!) I didn't want to give Larry all my questions, so I jokingly emailed, "Ask Adam if he's ticklish. I'm just kidding. Don't really ask that."
Well, Larry apparently took me seriously, because he opened his interview by saying "Jim Cantiello wants to know if you're ticklish."

Adam Lambert: "If I'm ticklish? A little bit... maybe my feet, I don't know! Why, does he wanna tickle me? That's a little creepy, Jim, come on!" :)

Anthony Catanzaro (model & bodybuilder) was e-mailed and asked if he is ticklish. He's reply:

Thanks for the compliments and yes I'm ticklish I really never thought about where but I guess in all the normal places a person would be ticklish.
wishing you all the best!

Conner Reeves (singer) was asked if he is ticklish on his official myspace page. His answer:

..oh and yes,I'm as ticklish as the next man!

Dan Paul (singer) was asked if and where he is ticklish on his official myspace page. He replied:

Thank you so much for your kind words, and, to answer your question, yes, I am ticklish. Quite ticklish. Armpits, feet, knee squeeze--all of those will have me completely disabled, writhing on the floor in laughter.

Darren Romeo (magician and Broadway actor) is reported being ticklish in an article about one of his shows:
"It was obvious that even Darren didn't know what to expect from moment to moment. He got tickled several times and would laugh through his illusions which were still pulled off perfectly in spite of the unrehearsed jokes and gags. It was wonderfully hilarious, spell-binding, surprising, and refreshing. It was "magic" in itself."

Jas Patrick (singer/songwriter) was sent a message on his official myspace page and asked if and where he is ticklish. He said:

lol, you know... I have never been asked that before--at least in an email, ya know? lol. I'd have to say that I am, like most people, ticklish--but I'm not very fun to tickle. I tend to thrash about and run away. lol. Dangerous business tickling me--I've been known to knock things over!!

Joshua Grierson (country singer) was asked on his official myspace page to reveal if and where his ticklish spots are. His reply:

Ticklish? mmm. not really sure actually. The obvious places like under my feet and that spot between my ribs but other than that not sure and not really :)

Keanu Reeves (actor) did a 50 Questions interview in 1994, where he was asked only personal questions.
Guess what the 1st one was:

1) ?Tienes cosquillas?

Antes si tenia, es curioso. Era muy sensible a cualquier roce. Pero ahora, sera por el dominio de la mente o por el budismo, que me impresiono mucho despues de rodar la pelicula con Oliver Stone, tengo mucho mas autocontrol.

1) Are you ticklish?

Before I was, it's curious. I was very sensitive to any rubbing (touch). But now, maybe because of the mastery of the mind or the Buddism, that impressed me very much after the movie I did with Oliver Stone, I have more self-control.

(check also letter 'K" for additional information)

Lindsey Buckingham (singer, songwriter, guitarist, with Fleetwood Mac) is reported being ticklish in a fan review of a Fleetwood Mac Concert:

"During "Dreams," while Lindsey was only playing and not having to sing harmony, I held up the sign that I made. He read it and said, "Yes, I do," and he pointed to the place where I stood in Knoxville around his mic (Tonight I was on the left; in Knoxville I was on the right.). I started to laugh---(1)I couldn't believe he actually remembered me, and (2) I was embarrassed that I actually got up the nerve to hold up the sign. Then, he got tickled too, and it was time for him to sing harmony, and he laughed into the mic." Sacha

Marc Lavallee (Body Builder/model) was e-mailed and asked if he is ticklish. He replied:

I am somewhat ticklish in two areas. Roughly navel height,... but towards the side of the torso, AND also mid back. (must specify these areas are ticklish to a soft touch.)

Matty Harper (Photographer) has ticklish feet:

Best kept secret

I’m not telling you. My feet are ticklish, which I think is funny because I think of people who are ticklish, as having secrets. Hmmm…in Seattle? It must be a secret to me too.

Nolan Makaawaawa (beat out the competition to win the grand prize on Lifetime's reality TV show "Blush: The Search for the Next Great Makeup Artist.")
What do you most remember about Todd?

"We had so many funny moments! We did fashions shows every night. He would pick up a big carpet in the middle of the living room and wrap it around his body ... do a couture runway show and we'd do our make up and just crack up. We'd have so much fun! He had so much energy and reminded me of myself at age 23. One time, I snuck way to go to bed and he caught me by jumping on the bed, tickling me and said "girl get up!!"

Petr Prielozny (model/body builder) was sent an e-mail and questioned on his ticklishness. His reply:

no problem. Fans are always welcomed:D

I am very ticklish, feet, armpit, under knees, neck.

crazy, i konw

Petr Prielozny

(as you can guess, I can't get enough of him!)

Ron Stone (Body Builder/model) was asked if he is ticklish in a fan question sent directly to him. He admitted:

Yes I have always been ticklish. I'm ticklish in a lot of places - armpits, front hips, etc.
No getting more muscular didn't change how ticklish I am. It's more a matter of if I can calm myself down and not let the ticklish feeling take over.

Smash (Russian band, of 2 brothers) Vlad ans Sergej did an article, where they talked about each other. Vlad said that Sergej can always make him laugh, and gave an example that:

"We'd sit down together to see a movie, but would never watch it till the end.
First text comes on the screen, and we'd start to joke, somersault, and tickle each other."

Stephen Vickers (singer/songwriter) was asked if and where he is ticklish on his official myspace page. He replied:

As for the question....well, I guess that would be for me to know and for you to find out. hehe!

Trevor Hall (singer) was asked if he is ticklish in a fan question sent directly to him, on his official myspace page:

thanks for the kind words.
i'm glad you enjoy the music
and yes...i'm ticklish in lots of places:)

hoping all is well

Viv Peyrat (singer) was asked if he is ticklish, and if so where, on his official myspace page. His answer:

And to answer your question. Yes :)
Have an awesome week!

Zach Berkman (singer/songwriter) was asked to reveal if he is ticklish, and in what spots, on his official myspace page. He replied:

yes, i am ticklish i guess, probably on my sides....and not all of my photos are serious. there are a few funny ones here or there. hope that answers your questions. have a great day and be well.


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